Meet Nicole Gainacopulos

that’s me, Nicole! ^

What’s your coach up to?

Philosophy: I combine realistic training based on your current fitness and your goal fitness by meshing your life schedule, running strengths & weaknesses, proper specific strength & conditioning, speed development, and injury prevention. No two runners are the same, why on earth would your plan be?

I graduated from Marquette University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science/Physiology with specialty in Strength and Conditioning. I have certification, expertise, and experience in programming for runners of all speed levels, distances, and starting points.

Currently, my favorite distance to race is the half marathon right now as it’s easier to balance life with young kids but I am currently training for my next 26.2 as well. I absolutely love pacing half marathons, as well as pacing my runners through their races. My husband and I have traveled with my runners to pace them all over the country such as Colorado, Florida, Utah, California, Arizona, Nevada, Canada, and very far to Illinois ;-).

More about me: I have 2 young kids which drastically changed my running (and life). The best running dog named Guapo, and my favorite running partner is my husband. We love living on the East Side of Milwaukee with plenty of running routes, beer gardens, incredible restaurants, doggos to run past & pet, and believe firmly in the city’s growth! My favorite day of the year is April Fool’s Day and I have terrible taste in jokes but I hope that will not change. Please tell your dog I say hi!

Personal Run Stats:

-26.2 x 23

-13.1 x 100+

-50k x 1

-Pacing: Honestly couldn’t count 🙂 100+?